Fundraising that Promotes Reading
MyOwnTale offers an easy, FREE way for your school or other organization to fundraise.Here’s how it works:
- Contact Us: And we’ll provide all the details you need to get started.
- Receive Your Unique Webpage: We’ll create a unique webpage specifically for your school or organization. This page will be where your community can purchase My Own Tale personalized books.
- Share the Webpage and QR Code: We’ll provide you with your own personalized flyer to share that contains both a QR code and the link to your webpage. You can share this through newsletters, social media, or other events, making it easy for everyone to participate!
- Earn Fundraising Proceeds: For every book purchased through your webpage, your organization will receive $5! It’s a simple and fun way to raise funds while encouraging a love of reading amongst children.
This sounds great! We want to fundraise!
Terrific! Click the button and start the process in seconds!LET’S FUNDRAISE!
Or you can send us a line, and we’ll be happy to help!
fundraising@myowntale.comSome Organizations that have Fundraised with My Own Tale:
Birch Street Elementary
Boundless Nonprofit
McGuffey Elementary
Thimmig Elementary